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Together with four industry partners, LKAB is planning to set a new standard in underground mining. To succeed, the company needs to dig deeper and more sustainably than ever before.
Loading and hauling
A healthier work environment, radically reduced energy consumption, a lower carbon footprint and more efficient operations: the sustainability gains from innovations in battery-based mining equipment are simply electrifying.
Launched by the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) in 2018, the Innovation for Cleaner, Safer Vehicles (ICSV) programme was inaugurated to address three of the most critical safety, health and environment performance issues on its mission towards zero harm while contributing to ...
Implementing a sustainable business model involves a complete commitment from any operation that wants to work continuously towards a common goal. Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology has dedicated its efforts to this goal by integrating its sustainability targets into everyday business practice...
MPUMALANGA PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA. A milestone project using mine-impacted water to irrigate crops has revealed potential to increase food production, empower local communities and improve sustainability for the mining and agricultural sectors.
Environment, Health and Safety
ONTARIO, CANADA. Goldcorp is developing the world’s first all-electric underground mine, an ambitious projec...
Environment, Health and Safety
PAKYI, GHANA. When a rainstorm devastated a local school in rural Ghana, Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology answer...
Stuart Hazeldine, professor of carbon capture and storage at the University of Edinburgh, talks about how carbon c...
Loading and hauling
As mining companies around the world seek the best ways to approach their sustainability goals, electrification ha...
Loading and hauling
Using customer input and with an eye towards automation, Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology has updated its flagsh...
Implementing a sustainable business model involves a complete commitment from any operation that wants to work con...
MPUMALANGA PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA. A milestone project using mine-impacted water to irrigate crops has revealed po...
Underground drilling
With the launch of Sandvik DD422iE mining and tunnelling jumbo, Sandvik DL422iE longhole drill and Sandvik DS412iE...
Designed to be environmentally sustainable, the new Eclipse fire suppression range is the world’s first fluorine-f...
Environment, Health and Safety
Since taking over as president of Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology in April 2019, Henrik Ager has guided his cha...
By creating business opportunities for local entrepreneurs, the Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions carbide recyclin...
Rock tools and systems
Having developed its own unique extraction technology, Sandvik Rock Tools can now offer an industry-leading recycl...
Underground drilling
MO I RANA, DUNDERLAND VALLEY. Eyeing the future of mining, Rana Gruber is making a gear switch an...
Rock tools and systems
What if all down-the-hole drill rigs could eliminate up to one-fifth of their fuel...
Together with four industry partners, LKAB is planning to set a new standard in underground mining. To succeed, th...
Underground drilling
With the launch of Sandvik DD422iE mining and tunnelling jumbo, Sandvik DL422iE longhole drill and Sandvik DS412iE...
Loading and hauling
A healthier work environment, radically reduced energy consumption, a lower carbon footprint and more efficient op...
Launched by the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) in 2018, the Innovation for Cleaner, Safer Vehic...
Implementing a sustainable business model involves a complete commitment from any operation that wants to work con...
MPUMALANGA PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA. A milestone project using mine-impacted water to irrigate crops has revealed po...
Loading and hauling
Early in 2019, Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology began a collaboration with Lund University’s International Insti...
Is it possible to achieve sustainable business practices, long-term growth and profitability at the same time? Hen...
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